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Insurance: The Basics

How to prevent auto theft and carjacking

Having your vehicle stolen is bad enough, but carjacking—having it taken while you're behind the wheel—is potentially dangerous, even lethal. Foil would-be car thieves and keep yourself safe with these precautions.

Senior driving safety and insurance tips

Senior drivers on the road

In general, drivers over the age of 55 are more courteous, and more likely to obey speed limits and follow the rules of the road. And those who are retirees often drive many fewer miles than when they commuted to work on a daily basis.

Road rage and auto insurance

Road rage incidents are not only dangerous, they are exempted from coverage by many auto insurance policies. Understand your risks and take precautionary measures to avoid being a victim—or a cause—of aggressive driving accidents.

Background on: Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is the cause of a large percentage of auto accidents each year. Teen drivers are especially at risk, and employers may be liable for their employees' distracted driving incidents. Avoid being a distracted driving statistic with these safety reminders.

Car breakdown safety

If you are in an accident or your car breaks down, safety should be your first concern. Getting out of the car at a busy intersection or on a highway to change a tire or check damage from a fender bender is probably one of the worst things you can do. The Insurance Information Institute recommends the following precautions when your car breaks down:

Shopping for a safe car

The more safely built the car you buy, the better the chances of your surviving an accident. Protect yourself and your passengers by understanding the factors that make a car safe and making your purchase accordingly.

Determining your car's value and cost of repair

After an automobile accident, you want to make sure that you are adequately paid for the repair or for the value of your totaled car. Here's how.

Do auto insurance premiums go up after a claim?

Your driving record is taken into account when you get your auto policy—the more driving risk you've demonstrated in the past, the more you might have to pay for your auto insurance premiums. So it makes sense that your insurer might re-evaluate your rates after claims or other driving incidents (such as moving violations) that are primarily your fault.

Accidents and auto insurance premiums

When it comes to evaluating your driving record for the purposes of reassessing your insurance rates, practices vary from company to company.

What should I do if I am having trouble settling my claim?

If you've filed an insurance claim filed an auto insurance claim but are not satisfied with the result, there are a number of actions you can take towards getting a resolution.

Does auto insurance cover a rental replacement car after an accident?

If you rely on your car, rental reimbursement is an inexpensive and invaluable option that you'll want to consider adding to your auto insurance policy.

On average, a car is in the repair shop for two weeks after an accident and renting a replacement vehicle for that amount of time can be costly. Many insured drivers are surprised to find out that their auto insurance does not automatically cover the cost of their rental because they've overlooked the policy option known as rental reimbursement.
