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Insurance: The Basics

Insuring a leased car

If you lease a car, you'll still need to purchase your own state-mandated basic auto insurance—and you'll very likely need additional coverages:

Your leasing company will require collision and comprehensive auto coverage

The bank, leasing company or other entity that is financing your leased car has a monetary stake in the vehicle. They’ll want to make sure there are sufficient funds available to repair the car in the case of an accident. For that reason, you'll need to buy:

Is it legal to drive without insurance?

You cannot legally drive in any state without demonstrating financial responsibility for damages or liability in the event of an accident. In most states auto insurance is mandatory as proof of this responsibility.

All states have financial responsibility laws so, in states where there is no liability insurance requirement, you need to have proof of sufficient assets to pay damages, medical bills and more if you cause an accident.

What is covered by a basic auto insurance policy?

While different states have different mandates for auto insurance, most basic car policies consist of six types of coverage. Here's what you need to know about each.

What is auto insurance?

Basic personal auto insurance is mandated by most states and provides you with some financial protection in case of an accident. But is it enough? What are the options? Learn how car insurance works and what types of coverage are available.

What is Long Term Care Insurance? (Web Video)

What is Long-term Care Insurance?

Due to old age, mental or physical illness, or injury, some people find themselves in need of help with the basics actions of everyday life. Long-term care insurance covers you for this and lifts the burden of care from yourself and your loved ones.


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Is an Annuity Right for You?

Do you know where your income is going to come from once you stop working? And will it last for the rest of your lifetime? An annuity may be a good option for securing your financial future.
Spokespersons: Margaret Dettinger, Retiree; Dr. Steven Weisbart, Insurance Information Institute; Jeanne Salvatore, Insurance Information Institute.


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What is an Annuity?

An annuity is a type of investment that can help support you after retirement. Do you know the difference between an immediate and a deferred annuity? Learn more in this informative video. Spokesmerson: Richard Allridge, Certified Financil Planner


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Insurance Advice for New College Graduates

A young person fresh out of college faces many financial questions and challenges. Learn some basics about insurance and how to protect yourself--and save some money--as you begin a new life.
Spokespersons: Chryssa Bell, new college graduate; Athena Argyropoulos, Career Counselor; Tod Miller, Independent Insurances Agents of America


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Are You Underinsured?

Do you have enough insurance coverage to completely rebuild your home? Have you talked with your agent recently to update your policy? Don't wait until disaster strikes to find out you're underinsured. Stay current on your policy and keep yourself protected. Spokespersons: Tom Stobbs, homeowner; Jeanne Salvatore, Insurance Information Institute; Candysse Miller, Insurance Information Network of California.


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