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We are the Triple-I. The trusted voice of risk and insurance; providing unique, data-driven insights to educate, elevate and connect consumers, industry professionals, public policymakers, and media. Learn More
Home Insurance Premiums in Florida Increased 80% Less in 2023 Than Initial Projections Due...

Researchers at the Triple-I have determined that home insurance premiums in Florida rose at a much lower rate than originally projected in 2022. See also: Triple-I Blog and Issues Brief.

press release

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Other Insurance Topics Bicycle safety and insurance

As more people take to biking this summer, it's crucial to prioritize bicycle safety. Wear helmets, follow traffic rules, and properly insure your bicycle. See also Video: Bicycle safety.


Insight + Analysis

HBCU IMPACT: Bridging the insurance talent gap

To amplify the Triple-I commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, Triple-I partnered with HBCU IMPACT®, whose mission is to increase the number of Black professionals in the insurance, risk management, financial services, and legal industries. View videos: HBCU Impact.


I.I.I. Glossary

ADMITTED ASSETS- Assets recognized and accepted by state insurance laws in determining the solvency of insurers and reinsurers. To make it easier to assess an insurance company’s financial position, state statutory accounting rules do not permit certain assets to be included on the balance sheet. Only assets that can be easily sold in the event of liquidation or borrowed against, and receivables for which payment can be reasonably anticipated, are included in admitted assets. (See Assets )

PRODUCT LIABILITY INSURANCE- Protects manufacturers’ and distributors’ exposure to lawsuits by people who have sustained bodily injury or property damage through the use of the product.

See Full Glossary

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I.I.I. News Wire

Triple-I: Home Insurance Premiums in Florida Increased 80% Less in 2023 Than Initial Projections Due in Large Part to Legislative Legal System Abuse Reforms

For immediate release Florida Press Office: Mark Friedlander, 904-806-7813, markf@iii.org   ST. Read More

Lightning Caused $1.2 Billion in US Homeowners Claim Payouts in 2023; Severity Trends Upward for the Year

For Immediate Release New York Press Office: (212) 346-5500; media@iii.org   NEW YORK, June 17, 2024—More than $1.2 billion in lightning-caused U.S. Read More

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Events Calendar

Triple-I/Milliman Insurance Economics and Underwriting Projections: A Forward View
MEMBERS-ONLY: Join us for the Q3 exclusive, members-only briefing July 11, 11am - 12pm ET. You’ll learn about enhanced economic indicators of inflation and growth to help inform future underwriting projections and a forward-looking view at the P&C industry underwriting performance, including combined ratio, premium growth, and rate impact across all major product lines. Please contact members@iii.org for the secure registration link.
2024 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar
Join 2024 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar which is being held September 9 in San Francisco, CA. Checkout event website.
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