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Facts + Statistics: Wildfires

Key Facts

  • According to federal data cited by the National Park Service, humans cause about 85 percent of all wildfires yearly in the United States.

Facts + Statistics: Tornadoes and thunderstorms

Convective storms

Convective storms result from warm, moist air rising from the earth, and depending on atmospheric conditions, may develop into tornadoes, hail, thunderstorms with lightning, or straight-line winds. Convective storms are the most common and damaging natural catastrophes in the United States, according to Triple-I’s May 2020 white paper, Severe convective storms: Evolving risks call for innovation to reduce costs, drive resilience.

Hurricanes: State of the Risk


A distinguishing feature of the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season is a tug-of-war between a shift from cool- to warm-water conditions in the central Pacific Ocean and exceedingly warm tropical Atlantic waters. These warming conditions are part of a global pattern that is now outpacing anything seen in four decades of satellite observations.

Stemming a rising tide: How insurers can close the flood protection gap

The main drivers of rising flood losses are related to economic growth and urbanization. Coastal development puts more property at risk and eliminates ways for water to flow or to be absorbed. Other factors – such as aging or absent flood-control infrastructure – also affect losses. Extreme weather and rising sea levels exacerbate the threat.

While awareness of weather and climate risk has grown in recent decades and much action is being taken, a lot of work remains to establish a mindset focused on resilience and pre-emptive mitigation.


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Tamping down wildfire threats: How insurers can mitigate risks and losses

Wildfires play a complex role in overall climate risk that insurers need to understand and develop strategies to address. Traditional risk transfer isn’t sufficient to address these chaotic, interconnected perils – but ceasing to insure complex risks isn’t a strategy for long-term success. What’s needed are risk reduction, pre-emptive damage mitigation, and a deeper understanding of the evolving nature of this hazard. Insurers are well positioned to lead the way.


Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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Coronavirus news and updates

The COVID-19 pandemic–and how governments, businesses and individuals react to it–raises many issues relevant to property/casualty (P/C) insurers and their customers. As a trusted source of unique, data-driven insights on insurance, Triple-I tracks and reports on these multi-faceted issues. We have created and curated information and resources to help you navigate P/C insurance issues in this rapidly changing environment.

Fighting wildfires with innovation

The 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons were a catastrophic shock to communities, legislators, and insurance companies. This was most evident in California, which suffered the largest and most destructive wildfires in state history. The aftermath of these disasters has led to the question of whether catastrophic wildfires will be the new normal for California and other fire-prone states and, if so, what can be done to mitigate them?


Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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Infographic: Hurricane Deductibles

A printable version of the infographic can be downloaded here.

Residual market property plans – 2016

Executive summary


  • The exposure value of the residual property market in hurricane-exposed states continues its decline from the peak levels seen in 2011. Between 2011 and 2014, total exposure to loss in the plans fell by almost 30 percent to $639 billion. Policy counts in 2014—at around 2.8 million—are also down from their 2011 highs.



Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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The Northridge, CA, Earthquake 20 Years After: Facts, Figures and Perspectives

The Northridge, California, earthquake of 1994 was the costliest earthquake in U.S. history in terms of insured losses.
