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Auto Insurance

What is gap insurance?

Gap insurance covers the difference between what a vehicle is worth, and what is owed on it.

Understanding your insurance deductibles

Deductibles have been an essential part of the insurance contract for many years. Understanding the role deductibles play when insuring a vehicle or home is integral to getting the most out of your insurance policy.

Trends and Insights: Personal Auto Insurance Rates

Several metrics that influence auto insurance premium rates are starting to improve, but it will take time for these improvements to be reflected in flattening premium rates.

The current hard market wasn’t created overnight. Policyholders and policymakers need to understand how insurance pricing works – particularly the impact of driving behavior and the role of inflation and other considerations that are not driver specific – to inform rate setting. Reduction of risk and underlying cost factors will be key to any future premium rate reductions.

Distracted Driving: State of the Risk

Record-breaking distracted driving has created a great deal of alarm on the roadways, with more frequent and dangerous crashes – many of which are caused by cell phone use – becoming part of the norm in the U.S. While the coronavirus pandemic upended traffic patterns, these trends have continued long past the height of the health crisis and pose a significant risk to both the wellbeing of drivers and the viability of personal auto lines. Progress is needed, and telematics may be a necessary facet in improving the safety of roadways, as well as helping lower premiums for motorists.

What you need to know about distracted driving

Driving without full attention on the road has become increasingly problematic on US roadways. Policyholders can proactively increase safety and reduce insurance costs as the government, insurers, and technology companies confront this growing threat. The first step is understanding the issue.

Renewing your homeowners or car insurance policy?

As you strive to find the best rates for your homeowners and auto coverage, you might think shopping around is the way to manage affordability. However, costs are increasing for everything–groceries, gasoline, and other household expenses–and so are costs for insurers that impact your premiums. Before changing your policy or carrier, consider some factors that can affect your rates and learn how an annual insurance checkup can position you to get the coverage right for you.

Car Rental Tips

Three things you need to know before renting a car.


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Rental car insurance - Loss of use fees

Before you rent a car, learn if your auto insurance policy includes Loss of Use coverage.


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Infographic: What’s happening with auto insurance rates

Click here to download PDF.

The real story on auto insurance during the pandemic

As plaintiff trial attorneys continue to exploit and manipulate the insurance industry for their own financial gain, it is important to understand the facts of how auto insurance is working for the benefit of consumers.


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