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Current Table

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2024 (1)


Rank Date Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12, 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola 300,000
2 Jul. 27, 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30, 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,029
4 Dec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 226,408
5 Jan. 12, 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8, 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12, 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2025.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2019 (1)


Rank Date Year Country/region Event Deaths
1 Jan. 12 2010 Haiti Haiti earthquake 316,000
2 Nov. 13 1970 Bangladesh Bhola cyclone 300,000
3 Jul. 27 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
4 Aug. 8 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,000
5 Dec. 26 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 227,899
6 Apr. 29 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 3 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 31 1971 Vietnam Flooding 100,000
9 Oct. 8 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of September 13, 2019.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2019 (1)


Rank Date Year Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola  300,000
2 Jul. 27 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,000
4 Dec. 26 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 227,899
5 Jan. 12 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 29 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 3 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 31 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2020.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2020 (1)


Rank Date Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12, 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola  300,000
2 Jul. 27, 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30, 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,000
4 Dec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 227,899
5 Jan. 12, 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8, 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12, 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2021.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2021 (1)


Rank Date Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12, 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola  300,000
2 Jul. 27, 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30, 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,000
4 Dec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 227,898
5 Jan. 12, 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8, 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12, 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2022.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2022 (1)


Rank Date Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12, 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola  300,000
2 Jul. 27, 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30, 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,029
4 Dec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 227,898
5 Jan. 12, 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8, 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12, 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2023.

Source: Aon.

Top 10 Deadliest World Natural Catastrophes, 1950-2023 (1)


Rank Date Country/region Event Deaths
1 Nov. 12, 1970 Bangladesh Cyclone Bhola  300,000
2 Jul. 27, 1976 China Tangshan earthquake 242,769
3 Jul. 30, 1975 Taiwan, China Super Typhoon Nina 230,029
4 Dec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Basin Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 226,408
5 Jan. 12, 2010 Haiti Port-au-Prince earthquake 160,000
6 Apr. 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone Gorky 139,000
7 May 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis 138,366
8 Aug. 1971 Vietnam Vietnam floods 100,000
9 Oct. 8, 2005 Pakistan Kashmir earthquake 88,000
10 May 12, 2008 China Sichuan earthquake 87,652

(1) Natural disasters that cause at least 10 deaths. Does not include drought or heatwave events. As of January 2024.

Source: Aon.