Current Table

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2021-2022 (1)


  2021 2022
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,982 2,066 38%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,253 1,369 25
Falls 850 865 16
Contact with objects and equipment 705 738 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 798 839 15
Intentional injury by person (includes homicides) 718 791 14
     Homicides 481 524 10
Fires and explosions 76 707 13
Total workplace fatalities 5,190 5,486 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2007 2008
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,351 2,053 40%
     Vehicle crashes 1,414 1,149 23
Contact with objects and equipment 920 923 18
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 864 794 16
     Homicides 628 517 10
Falls 847 680 13
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 497 432 9
Fires and explosions 152 173 3
Total workplace fatalities 5,657 5,071 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2008 2009
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,130 1,682 39%
     Vehicle crashes 1,215 882 20
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 816 788 18
     Homicides 526 521 12
Contact with objects and equipment 937 734 17
Falls 700 617 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 439 390 9
Fires and explosions 174 113 3
Total workplace fatalities 5,214 4,340 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2009 2010
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,795 1,766 39%
     Vehicle crashes 985 968 21
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 837 808 18
     Homicides 542 506 11
Contact with objects and equipment 741 732 16
Falls 645 635 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 404 409 9
Fires and explosions 113 187 4
Total workplace fatalities 4,551 4,547 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2011 Fatalities
Cause Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,898 41%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,075 23
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 780 17
     Homicides 458 10
Contact with objects and equipment 708 15
Falls 666 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 401 9
Fires and explosions 143 3
Total workplace fatalities 4,609 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2011 2012 
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,937 1,789 41%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,103 1,044 24
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 791 767 17
     Homicides 468 463 11
Contact with objects and equipment 710 712 16
Falls 681 668 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 419 320 7
Fires and explosions 144 116 3
Total workplace fatalities 4,693 4,383 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

  2012 2013
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,923 1,740 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,153 991 22
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 803 753 17
     Homicides 475 397 9
Contact with objects and equipment 723 717 16
Falls 704 699 16
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 340 330 7
Fires and explosions 122 148 3
Total workplace fatalities 4,628 4,405 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Cause, 2013-2014 (1)
  2013 2014
Cause Number  Number  Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,865 1,891 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,099 1,075 23
Falls   724 793 17
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 773 749 16
     Homicides 404 403 9
Contact with objects and equipment 721 708 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 335 390 8
Fires and explosions 149 137 3
Total workplace fatalities 4,585 4,679 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2014-2015 (1)
  2014 2015
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 1,984 2,054 42%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,157 1,264 24
Falls 818 800 17
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 765 703 15
     Homicides 409 417 9
Contact with objects and equipment 715 722 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 390 424 9
Fires and explosions 137 121 3
Total workplace fatalities 4,821 4,836 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2015-2016 (1)
  2015 2016
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,054 2,083 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,264 1,252 24
Falls   800 849 16
Assaults and violence (includes homicides)   703 866 17
     Homicides 417 500 10
Contact with objects and equipment 722 761 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 424 518 10
Fires and explosions 121 88 2
Total workplace fatalities 4,836 5,190 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2016-2017(1)


  2016 2017
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,083 2,077 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,252 1,299 25
Falls   849 887 17
Assaults and violence (includes homicides) 866 807 16
     Homicides 500 458 9
Contact with objects and equipment 761 695 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 518 531 10
Fires and explosions 88 123 2
Total workplace fatalities 5,190 5,147 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2017-2018 (1)


  2017 2018
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,077 2,080 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,299 1,276 24
Falls   887 791 15
Intentional injury by person (includes homicides) 733 757 14
     Homicides 458 453 9
Contact with objects and equipment   695 786 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 531 621 12
Fires and explosions   123 115 2
Total workplace fatalities   5,147 5,250 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2018-2019 (1)


  2018 2019
Cause Number Number Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes) 2,080 2,122 40%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,276 1,270 24
Falls   791 880 17
Intentional injury by person (includes homicides) 757 761 14
     Homicides   453 454 9
Contact with objects and equipment 786 732 14
Exposure to harmful substances or environments 621 642 12
Fires and explosions   115 99 2
Total workplace fatalities 5,250 5,333 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2019-2020 (1)


  2019 2020
Cause Number  Number  Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes)   2,122 1,778 37%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,270 1,038 22
Falls   880 805 17
Contact with objects and equipment   732 716 15
Exposure to harmful substances or environments   642 672 14
Intentional injury by person (includes homicides)   761 651 14
     Homicides   454 392 8
Fires and explosions   99 71 2
Total workplace fatalities   5,333 4,764 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

Workplace Deaths By Selected Cause, 2020-2021 (1)


  2020 2021
Cause Number  Number  Percent of total
All transportation (includes vehicle crashes)   1,778 1,982 38%
     Vehicle crashes (2) 1,038 1,253 24
Falls   805 850 16
Exposure to harmful substances or environments   672 798 15
Intentional injury by person (includes homicides)   651 718 14
     Homicides   392 481 9
Contact with objects and equipment   716 705 14
Fires and explosions   71 76 2
Total workplace fatalities   4,764 5,190 100%

(1) From intentional and unintentional sources. Data in this chart do not add to total workplace fatalities due to the inclusion of miscellaneous injuries in the total.
(2) Roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

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