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Media Advisory: Triple-I Can Discuss Auto Insurance Cost Drivers


For immediate release
Contact: Michael Barry, Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), 917-923-8245,

NEW YORK, Feb. 11, 2022—Reporters covering the cost drivers impacting the U.S. auto insurance market can contact the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) for interviews, data, and analysis.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics yesterday announced the inflation rate rose 7.5 percent for the 12 months ending January 2022, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending February 1982. Triple-I today released a Fact Sheet illustrating how this trend and others are affecting the cost of auto insurance.

In addition, the Triple-I subject matter experts listed below can discuss what auto insurance covers, why policyholders may pay more for coverage even when they have not filed a claim, and how policyholders can reduce their auto insurance costs


  • Janet Ruiz, Director, Strategic Communication: 707-490-9365,


  • Scott Holeman, Director, Media Relations: 785-760-3777;


  • Mark Friedlander, Director, Corporate Communications: 908-806-7813,

New York:

  • Loretta Worters, Vice President, Media Relations: 917-208-8842; 


Articles: How to Find the Right Auto Insurance, Compulsory Auto/Uninsured Motorists
Facts & Statistics: Auto Insurance
Report: Insurance Research Council: One in Eight Drivers Uninsured (2021)

The Triple-I has a full library of educational videos on its YouTube Channel. Information about Triple-I mobile apps can be found here.

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