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Media Advisory: Triple-I Can Brief Reporters on Colorado Wildfires


Contact: Michael Barry, Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), 917-923-8245,

NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 2022—Reporters covering the aftermath of Colorado’s wildfires can contact the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) for interviews and analysis.

The Boulder County Disaster Assistance Center opened today to serve people impacted by the Marshall Fire. It is situated at the Boulder County Southeast County Hub, 1755 South Public Road, Lafayette, Colo. Insurers are already operating there, according to Carole Walker, executive director, Rocky Mountain Insurance Association (RMIA).

The Triple-I subject matter experts listed below can discuss autobusiness, business income (interruption), homeowners, and renters coverage issues while also providing claims-filing tips.  


  • Janet Ruiz, Director, Strategic Communication, 707-490-9365,


  • Scott Holeman, Director, Media Relations: 785-760-3777;

New York:

  • Loretta Worters, Vice President, Media Relations: 917-208-8842; 


Damage caused by fire and smoke is covered under standard homeowners and renters insurance policies.  

A standard homeowners insurance policy covers wildfire-caused property damage to a home’s structure and its outbuildings (e.g., garage) as well as the personal belongings housed on the premises. 

A standard renters insurance policy covers the renter’s personal belongings.

Standard homeowners and renters insurance policies also provide additional living expenses (ALE), sometimes referred to as Loss of Use, to policyholders who either relocated because of a mandatory evacuation order or had their residence rendered uninhabitable due to wildfire-caused property damage.

Water damage caused by firefighters extinguishing a fire is covered under both homeowners and renters insurance policies.

The Triple-I’s Resilience Accelerator demonstrates the power of insurance to mitigate against wildfire risks. It links to HazardHub, which assesses the wildfire risks individual properties face.

In addition, RMIA’s website offers insights into Colorado’s homeowners insurance market.



Articles:                     Wildfires: Insurance and Recovery Resources, Facts About Wildfires

Facts & Statistics:       Wildfires

Video:                        Wildfire Reality Check: Tips for Insuring Your Home

                                  The I’s on Insurance: [Not So Risky] Business


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