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NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2002 - What's a big treat for kids of all ages but a big worry for parents and motorists? It's Halloween!
Parents can minimize risks this October 31 by making sure their trick-or-treating youngsters follow some safety tips, advises the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.).
Smart parents can ensure a safe Halloween by accompanying small children around the neighborhood. If children are old enough to explore the neighborhood on their own, advise them to visit homes where they know they'll be welcome. If the house is dark and uninviting, tell the kids to stay away.
Parents should also leave the porch light on once it's dark. It will be a signal that you welcome kids and it also will help to brighten the neighborhood.
Parents should warn children to stay on the sidewalk and to cross the streets carefully. It's also a good idea to put reflective tape on costumes and trick-or-treat bags and to arrange for youngsters to go out in groups rather than individually.
Here are more safety tips:
Each year, the clock is turned back the Sunday before Halloween in almost every state, as daylight savings time ends. This means that it will be dark in much of the country by 5:00 p.m. and because of school, many youngsters will be canvassing neighborhoods for treats after dark. Motorists need to remember that kids may be distracted by all the costumes and candy.
The I.I.I. urges motorists to drive slowly in residential areas and to honk their horns on dimly lit streets to alert children. Drivers also need to watch out for youngsters crossing against the light, darting out from between parked cars and walking in the street.
The Insurance Information Institute is a non-profit communications organization funded by the property/casualty industry.