State taxes

All insurance companies pay a state tax based on their premiums. Other payments are made to states for licenses and fees, income and property taxes, sales and use taxes, unemployment compensation taxes and franchise taxes.

Premium Taxes By State, Property/Casualty, Life/Annuity and Health Insurers, 2023 (1)


State Amount State Amount
Alabama $563,244 Montana $163,891
Alaska 63,446 Nebraska 87,723
Arizona 811,228 Nevada 546,898
Arkansas 374,949 New Hampshire 154,258
California 3,690,456 New Jersey 723,894
Colorado 533,490 New Mexico 388,600
Connecticut 254,304 New York 2,456,791
Delaware 145,896 North Carolina 1,169,639
D.C. 161,039 North Dakota 80,032
Florida 1,993,432 Ohio 767,006
Georgia 527,642 Oklahoma 333,261
Hawaii 210,527 Oregon 80,039
Idaho 139,362 Pennsylvania 939,974
Illinois 547,184 Rhode Island 154,474
Indiana 268,114 South Carolina 337,845
Iowa 173,028 South Dakota 105,088
Kansas 503,133 Tennessee 1,274,120
Kentucky 212,229 Texas 4,064,627
Louisiana 1,229,146 Utah 202,989
Maine 133,032 Vermont 72,313
Maryland 856,566 Virginia 733,514
Massachusetts 613,510 Washington 847,086
Michigan 471,261 West Virginia 187,006
Minnesota 752,517 Wisconsin 251,916
Mississippi 436,639 Wyoming 33,024
Missouri 516,480 United States $32,337,862

(1) Includes other insurance companies. Data are for each state's fiscal year.

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.

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