Lightning safety: 10 myths—and the facts

“When thunder roars, go indoors!” is a truism that actually holds up. But much of what we think we know about lightning is fiction. Here are some common myths, along with the facts that will keep you and your loved ones safe in a storm.

What is gap insurance?

Gap insurance covers the difference between what a vehicle is worth, and what is owed on it.

Facts + Statistics: Auto theft

Key Facts

Understanding your insurance deductibles

Deductibles have been an essential part of the insurance contract for many years. Understanding the role deductibles play when insuring a vehicle or home is integral to getting the most out of your insurance policy.

Facts + Statistics: Wildfires

Key Facts

  • According to federal data cited by the National Park Service, humans cause about 85 percent of all wildfires yearly in the United States.

12 Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs

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The price you pay for your homeowners insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars, depending on the insurance company you buy your policy from. Here are some things to consider when buying homeowners insurance.

Tips for finding a lost life insurance policy

When a loved one passes away, locating a life insurance policy can be a challenging but necessary task. There are some steps you can take to get the information you need.  Here are a few tips to guide your search.

Search the deceased's documents and correspondence.

In many cases, evidence of policy and any relevant information

Understanding the insurance claims payment process

After a disaster, you want to get back to normal as soon as possible, and your insurance company wants that too! You may get multiple checks from your insurer as you make temporary repairs, permanent repairs and replace damaged belongings. Here's what you need to know about claims payments.

How much homeowners insurance do I need?

If disaster strikes, you'll want enough homeowners insurance to rebuild the structure of your home, to help replace your belongings, to defray costs if you're unable to live in your home and to protect your financial assets in the event of liability to others. Use these guidelines to help determine the coverage and amounts you need.