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Other Insurance Topics

Swimming pool safety

Swimming pools are fun, but also potentially dangerous to young children. Learn ways to keep your loved ones safe. Spokespersons: Nadina Riggsby, Parent; Madelyn Flannigan, Independent Insurance Agents of America.


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Green insurance

Adopting practices that are known to be safe for the environment—aka "going green"—might also help you save on your insurance costs. Whether you're considering an eco-friendlier car, a more sustainable home or "green" business practices, check out this sampling of insurance benefits and products for the environmentally conscientious.

Social host liability

Whether you're hosting a Super Bowl party for 50 or greeting the New Year with a few friends, if you're planning to serve alcohol at your home take steps to limit your liquor liability and make sure you have the proper insurance.

Five insurance mistakes to avoid... (and still save money)

Avoid these pitfalls when buying auto, home, flood and renters insurance.

Dog bite prevention

Triple-I suggests that pet owners check their homeowners or renters insurance policy to cover dog bite liability and to ensure their dog is properly trained.


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Am I insured against asteroids, meteors and falling satellites?

While the likelihood of getting struck by a satellite, a meteor or an asteroid is extremely rare, if one of these falling objects does hit close to home, your insurance can provide peace of mind.

Bicycle safety

Two out of three bicycle injuries involve children and some of these accidents result in death. Wearing a helmet and having a properly maintained bike can greatly reduce your child's risk of injury. Learn more about how to keep your child riding safely. Spokespersons: Sue Guzman, Brain Injury Association; Dr. Howard Benesohm, Psychologist


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Do I need flood insurance for my home?

Your standard homeowners policy doesn't provide flood coverage

Standard homeowners and renters insurance does not cover flood damage. Find out if you need flood insurance and learn where to get it. It's important to note that, as a rule, homeowners, condo owners, and renters insurance does not cover damage from flooding. To protect your home, be sure to understand the risk of flooding and your insurance options.

Protecting your college student from on-campus losses

With burglaries constituting approximately 50 percent of all on-campus crimes, it's important for college students and their parents take steps to prevent theft, adhere to safety measures—and review their insurance coverage.

What is an umbrella liability policy?

Your standard auto insurance or homeowners insurance will provide you with some liability coverage, but you may want to have the extra protection for your assets that a personal umbrella liability policy provides.
