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Homeowners + Renters Insurance

Insuring a vacation home

Like any residence, your vacation home needs to be insured—but because the risks are different, the coverage might cost more than your primary homeowners policy. Before you leap into second-home ownership, consider the factors that will likely affect the price you’ll need to pay for insuring it.

Earthquake insurance for homeowners

Earthquakes and coverage

Earthquakes can cause much harm to home structures. They can damage housing foundations and collapse walls; even relatively mild tremors can destroy furnishings and belongings.

Insurance for landslides and mudflow

Aside from the danger of flooding, heavy rainfall can also lead to mudflow, basically creating a river of mud; and landslides, which are caused by the movement of the destabilized land—due either to gradual erosion or an accumulation of water.

Don’t confuse mudflows with mudslides as there are distinct differences.  Mudslides occur when a mass of earth or rock moves downhill, propelled by gravity. They typically don't contain enough liquid to seep into your home, and they aren't eligible for flood insurance coverage. In fact, mudslides are not covered by any policy.

Self-storage facility coverage and tips

Self-storage units can be a good way keep clutter out of your home. And having the right insurance coverage is the best way to financially protect your off-premise belongings.

Volcanic eruption coverage

A volcanic eruption is one of nature’s most destructive forces, and can result in damage or destruction to homes, businesses, transportation and agriculture.

Grill safety

Grilling outdoors can be fun and delicious, but there are also potential dangers like fires and explosions. Make sure you're safe and prepared before flipping that burger.


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If a tree falls on your house, are you covered?

If a tree hits your home or other insured structure, such as a detached garage, your standard homeowners insurance policy covers the damage to the structure, as well as any damage to the contents.

This is true for trees felled by wind, lightning or hail.

Peer-to-peer home rental

Before you consider renting out your home, your guest room—or even your couch—first contact your insurance professional so you fully understand the financial risks and can take the proper precautions. Here's some general information to jumpstart your insurance conversation. 

Getting the right insurance coverage for moving

Whether you’re moving locally or out-of-state, on your own or with a moving company, the right insurance will protect your belongings and give you one less worry. But before you put the first piece of furniture on the truck, do some research—start here.

Three reasons to take a home inventory

Creating and updating an inventory of your personal possessions is one of the best ways to make the most of your homeowners or renters insurance, and makes filing a claim easier and more efficient. 
