To recap the issues raised during this week’s conference call, here are the key media stories we discussed, and the messages we’re conveying.


If there is a subject you would like to see addressed on Wednesday, August 10, please email Michael Barry at



Bob Hartwig has continued to do exit interviews with media including A.M. Best TV, Insurance Journal, Insurance Journal TV and Property/Casualty360. Incoming I.I.I. President Sean Kevelighan, who starts Monday, August 8, has already done an extensive interview with Property/Casualty360 and more have been scheduled. A news release on his succession was picked up in A.M. Best, Business Insurance, Carrier Management, Insurance Journal, Insurance Business America, Insurance Forums, Insurance News Link, PIA National, PIA West, Property/Casualty360, Reactions, O’Dwyers, Politico and Thepycam.



Jeanne Salvatore completed interviews Tuesday, August 2, as part II of the Satellite media tour, Are You Ready for the Next Natural Disaster? One of 10 interviews included KTXL-TV (FOX, Sacramento, CA).



McChristian and González will be answering viewers’ questions on insurance and disaster preparedness on Wednesday, August 3.  I.I.I. sent out a media advisory, alerting reporters about the event, which was also sent out through social.


RISING SEA LEVELS COULD COST U.S. HOMEOWNERS CLOSE TO $1 TRILLION Online real estate database company Zillow reports in the journal Nature that rising sea levels tied to climate change could cost homeowners $882 billion, as sea levels could rise more than six feet by the end of the century. In that scenario, Florida could lose one million or 13 percent of its homes, worth about $400 billion. That figure does not include commercial buildings or public infrastructure, according to  Bloomberg News



Greenlight Capital Re Ltd., the reinsurer controlled by David Einhorn, is venturing into the market for mortgage guarantees in an effort to reverse its underwriting losses, according to Bloomberg News. Einhorn established Greenlight Re in the Cayman Islands in part to generate capital that he could invest with his hedge fund strategies.



The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released its annual Hot Wheels report, which identifies the 10 most stolen vehicles in the United States. The report examines vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and determines the make, model and model year of the vehicles most reported stolen in 2015.



The Wall Street Journal (subscription required), reported that President Barack Obama met with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on August 2. Both reissued their commitment to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, which faces long odds of being approved this year by Congress. Congressional consideration of TPP has stalled, but the administration is hopeful that it will be taken up by Congress after the November elections during the lame-duck session.


Congressman John Kline’s retirement has created a rare open seat in a swing district, setting up a heated Republican primary contest for next Tuesday, August 9, KARE-TV (the NBC-affiliated television station licensed to MinneapolisMinnesotareported. With primary election turnout typically low, the three top candidates all believe they have a shot at winning the GOP nomination in the 2nd Congressional District.



Jeanne Salvatore did an interview with AP-TV on claims handling. It is likely to be a negative piece. The reporter, Marina Hutchinson, is getting her information from Amy Bach, Dan Karr (a California-based industry critic who was unhappy with how his auto claim was handled) and Jay Feinman, the author of Delay, Deny and Defend. In addition, she said that she had a lengthy conversation with John Morrison who was insurance commissioner of Montana back in 2000 and is now a trial lawyer.


Elianne González did an interview with Univision 45 regarding a high-rise fire and the need for renters insurance. 


Wall Street Journal’s Leslie Scism is doing a piece for the “A-hed” page on unusual ways that the insurance industry is recruiting young people to fill the ranks as people retire. Suggestions should be emailed by the end of the day Thursday, August 4, to Loretta Worters at   


Kelli Grant, Consumer Reporter with  (201-735-4837; spoke with Loretta Worters about a story on homeowners insurance, focused on burglaries during summer months.  She also spoke to Ed Leefeldt, freelancer for CBS MoneyWatch ( on a story about how to save money on teen auto insurance.


Lori Chordas with AM Best ( is doing a piece on dog bite claims and homeowners insurance.


Michael Barry spoke with CNBC’s Karina Frayter regarding food truck insurance, specifically with regard to a new product being offered. He also spoke to Real Estate Weekly’s Marilyn Melia who is doing a story on renter’s.


Katie Deska, Downtown Publications (249-792-6464; spoke with Jim Lynch and Loretta Worters about how homeowners rates are set, including the issue of credit, education and occupation.  




The Orange County Register reported that Airbnb is suing the city of Anaheim over short-term rental law, arguing the city violates free-speech rights and federal law by holding Airbnb responsible when users post listings for illegal short-term rentals, this article explains.


The parents of Anton Yelchin, the Star Trek actor who died in a rollover car accident in June, have filed a wrongful death suit against Fiat Chrysler, according to the Associated Press.


The Soberanes wildfire was caused by an illegal camp fire left unattended, reports a Los Angeles Times article.  


Ben Bergman, NPR/SoCal interviewed the I.I.I.’s Janet Ruiz regarding wildfire insurance rates and availability of private insurance in California and the use of ISO/Fireline.


Insurance Business America’s Caitlin Bronson wrote a story on the availability and affordability of homeowners insurance in wildfire prone areas.


A blaze considered to be this year’s most destructive wildfire in California has resulted in $36 million in anticipated insured losses, according to the California Department of Insurance. The Erskine Fire, which tore through Kern County, California, destroyed about 48,000 acres and 290 homes. The wildfire was 100% contained as of July 26, the department said in a statement. Department staff assisted and guided more than 70 wildfire victims over a nine-day period, it was reported in this A.M. Best article.


In the wake of the Erskine, Sand and Soberanes fires, the I.I.I. sent out a media advisory that gave an overview of insurance coverage for wildfires.


About 1,800 Oxnard (Ventura County) homes at risk of flooding will benefit from a $14.6 million project to raise by five feet a levee that stretches for 1.7 miles along the Santa Clara River.



The Dallas-area tremors of recent years are primarily attributable to the region’s oil and gas operations, a Southern Methodist University (SMU) academic study determined. The Dallas Morning News reported on SMU’s findings.



Drivers covered by Michigan-based auto insurers will pay $40 more per vehicle starting in October after lawmakers eliminated a tax credit that benefited Michigan-based auto insurers.


New Jersey

The Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) recovered $3.5 million in fines, penalties and attorneys’ fees after the successful prosecution of a personal injury protection (PIP) fraud ring.



Tornado activity in Kansas has been unusually high, it was reported in Insurance Journal.



Oklahoma had a few stronger earthquakes in July, including a 4.4 magnitude quake on July 9, notes the Oklahoma Geological Survey in this Oklahoman article.



Projects that make Louisiana’s coastline resilient and reduce risks for future generations are at the center of the upcoming 2017 Coastal Master Plan being pieced together by state officials, it was reported in this Houma Today article.


Louisiana wants $3.5 billion in debt waived—its  share of the cost of the New Orleans area's new $14.5 billion hurricane defense system that is due to be completed by 2018—so it can spend the money instead on stopping the rapid loss of the bottom third of the state from subsidence and a rising sea level, according to this New Orleans Advocate article.



While Alabama is not home to the worst drivers in the United States, it is among the top 10 places with the worst drivers in the country, according to, which calculated the places with the worst drivers in America. According to the Birmingham News, the top 10 states with the worst drivers are (in order): Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Delaware, Alabama, Vermont, Tennessee, Texas and Nevada.


A new Alabama State Fire Marshal was named as longtime Marshal Ed Paulk retires after nearly four decades of public service. 


New York

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office has called for increased transparency and clarification on the scope of the standard flood insurance policy offered through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), according to Bestwire.



Satellite Media Tour

Jeanne Salvatore gave 10 interviews Tuesday, August 2, to local news stations nationwide via a satellite media tour on disaster preparedness. These clips have garnered strong engagement with over 2,000 views on social and can be viewed on the I.I.I.’s YouTube media channel.


Back to School Safety Month Campaign

August is Back to School Safety month. You can share the I.I.I.’s video on school bus safety, which is currently highlighted on I.I.I.’s homepage. You can also share the latest Check20 newsletter, which features consumer tips on insurance and personal finance for college-bound students.


Maryland Flash Floods

The floods in Maryland are getting heavy attention on social this week, with the search terms “Maryland flood” receiving 244 mentions on social over the last seven days and the hashtag #EllicottCity receiving 1,275 mentions. You can follow the conversation on social using the hashtag #EllicottCity, as well as the @cbsbaltimore Twitter account for frequent updates and video.


Exit Interviews with Bob Hartwig

Bob Hartwig’s exit interviews, including PC 360 and A.M. Best, are receiving heavy circulation online and on social these past weeks, with his interviews receiving over 100 mentions. You can share these interviews via the I.I.I.’s social channels. You can also follow Hartwig on Twitter at @Bob_Hartwig.



Six Takeaways from Jeff Zucker’s interview with Variety


VICE Will launch newscast same day as first presidential debate.


Weather Channel meteorologist Dave Schwartz has passed away.


Fortune has added Chauncey Alcorn and Madeline Farber to its online staff.  Alcorn joins the staff as trending news reporter. He also contributes to the New York Daily News as a breaking news reporter. Farber joins the staff as a reporter with a particular interest in women’s issues, diversity and tolerance, and women in business. 


CNBC has hired Kathleen Elkins as a reporter.  She joins from Business Insider, where she served in the same role and covered personal finance.  Robert McMillan, a reporter at The Wall Street Journal’s San Francisco bureau, is now covering cybersecurity.


Elizabeth Blosfield joined Wells Media Group, Inc., as editor for Insurance Journal East.  She will also be providing help on Carrier Management and Claims Journal.  She can be reached at 619-584-1100 x135;


The I.I.I. is cited regularly in the media as an authoritative source of insurance information. To access the current I.I.I. press clips, click here.

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