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Facts + Statistics: Tornadoes and thunderstorms

Convective storms

Convective storms result from warm, moist air rising from the earth, and depending on atmospheric conditions, may develop into tornadoes, hail, thunderstorms with lightning, or straight-line winds. Convective storms are the most common and damaging natural catastrophes in the United States, according to Triple-I’s May 2020 white paper, Severe convective storms: Evolving risks call for innovation to reduce costs, drive resilience.

Facts + Statistics: Lightning

According to the National Weather Service, there were 13 direct lightning fatalities in 2023, compared to 19 in 2022. On average, based on data from 2014 to 2023, 23 people die each year from lightning strikes in the United States.

Facts + Statistics: Identity theft and cybercrime

Key Facts

Facts + Statistics: Pet Ownership and Insurance

Pet insurance

According to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association, (NAPHIA), pet insurance has existed outside the U.S. since the early 1900’s. Lassie, the famous TV collie, received the first pet insurance policy issued in the U.S. in 1982.

Facts + Statistics: Distribution channels

Life insurance distribution channels

Life insurance was once sold primarily by career life agents, also known as captive agents, representing a single insurance company, and by independent agents, representing several insurers. Now, life insurance is sold directly to the public by mail, telephone, and the Internet. Independent insurance agents have the largest share of the market, followed by affiliated agents.

Facts + Statistics: Marine Accidents

There were 38 large ships totally lost in 2022, a decline from 59 in 2021, according to latest data from Allianz. Safety & Shipping Review 2023 reports improvements in maritime safety have been significant over the past 10 years.

The region encompassing South China, Indochina, Indonesia and the Philippines had the largest number of shipping losses in 2022 with a total of 10. The region has ranked first in shipping losses over the past decade.

Facts + Statistics: Auto insurance

Costs and expenditures

The countrywide average auto insurance expenditure increased 1.4 percent to $1,062 in 2021 from $1,046 in 2020, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. In 2021 (the latest data available), the average expenditure was highest in New York ($1,511), followed by Louisiana ($1,500), and District of Columbia ($1,435).

Facts + Statistics: Mortality risk

According to the CDC data and reports:

Facts + Statistics: Renters insurance

  • According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners: 
    • The average premiums for renters insurance in 2021 was $170.
    • Renters in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama had the highest renters insurance premiums.
    • Renters in North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin had the lowest premiums.
  • According to data from the US Department of Commerce, the US Census Bureau, and American Community Survey:

    Facts + Statistics: Aviation and drones

    World Aviation Accidents

    In the United States, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) compiles data on aviation flight hours, accidents and fatalities for commercial and general aviation, which is private transport and recreational flying.
