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Insurance: The Basics

Reopening for Business: What Renewed Ties Between the U.S. and Cuba Mean for Property/Casualty Insurers

Executive Summary


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What is El Niño and why is it important?

El Niño is a phenomenon that has effect on climate patterns, often triggering or intensifying extreme weather all over the world. Understand how these extremes—such as hurricanes or droughts conditions—can affect you as a home or business owner.

Drones and insurance

A drone is generally classified defined as an unmanned aerial vehicle weighing less than 55 pounds. In recent years, they've become less expensive, allowing recreational users access to relatively sophisticated uses such as aerial photography.

In addition to being fun for their consumer owners, drones can launch host of safety issues and potential insurance claims. So, while piloting a drone might sound like child's play, before you or a member of your family takes flight, be sure to contact your insurance professional.

Disaster planning for older adults

As a senior citizen or caretaker of an older person, preparing for and protecting against a fire, flood, hurricane or other disaster can be a special challenge.

Infographic: Is your business ready for peak hurricane season?

Crucial steps businesses can take to protect both their facilities and finances in the event of a natural disaster.


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Flood cars: How to avoid purchasing a washed-up vehicle

The facts about flooded cars

Like other natural disasters, floods can create enormous damage to properties and vehicles. Flood vehicles offer a tempting opportunity for criminals to defraud unsuspecting consumers.

Insuring your classic car

A classic, custom, collectible or antique car requires insurance that reflects your vehicle’s uniqueness and value. If you own—or are thinking of owning—a special set of wheels, find out about the kind of policy you need.

Infographic: This hurricane season, lock in peace of mind


Insuring a vacation home

Like any residence, your vacation home needs to be insured—but because the risks are different, the coverage might cost more than your primary homeowners policy. Before you leap into second-home ownership, consider the factors that will likely affect the price you’ll need to pay for insuring it.

Hurricane season insurance guide

Hurricane season takes place June 1 – November 30 every year. Don’t wait until after you have a loss to check your insurance—review your homeowners or renters policies to make you have the right coverage in the event you're hit with a destructive storm.
