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Insurance: The Basics

Health safety following a flood

Cleaning up after a flood can pose health risks. You and your family should wait to re-enter your home until professionals tell you it is safe, with no structural, electrical or other hazards.

Before you start cleanup activities, contact your insurance company and take pictures of the home and your belongings. Remember, drying your home and removing water-damaged items is your most important step for preventing mold damage.


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Personal automobile insurance: More accidents, larger claims drive costs higher

Over the past two years, both the accident rate and the size of insurance claims have climbed dramatically. These are the largest and most volatile components of auto insurance. This white paper documents the increase in costs, suggesting some factors that may be causing the increases. The paper also discusses what insurance companies are doing to keep costs in check and what consumers can do to reduce the cost of their own insurance.


Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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8 smart steps for buying life insurance

Life insurance can be a vital tool for financial planning, but finding coverage that meets your goals and budget can be challenging without guidance. Don't worry. A few simple steps will help you focus on the essential aspects of buying a policy that fits your needs.

1. Verify whether you need life insurance coverage.

Yes, life insurance is useful but it is not necessary for everyone. Consider purchasing a policy if any of these conditions apply to your situation.

Infographic: How to file a flood insurance claim

Experiencing a flood is never pleasant. However, there are things that you can do to make the claims process run more smoothly and efficiently.

Infographic: Business interruption insurance

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Fact sheet: Unclaimed life insurance policies

Clear communication is important when it comes to your life insurance policy. Life insurance policyholders should inform their primary beneficiaries, as well as their contingent beneficiaries, about the existence of a life insurance policy that names them. If there are valid reasons not to inform the beneficiaries—if, for example, they are young children—it is a good idea to provide this information to the executor of your estate.

Auto insurance jargon buster

Don’t be intimidated by specialized insurance language. Below you’ll find definitions of some of the most common terms used when dealing with auto insurance.


An insurance company employee or contractor who reviews the damages and injuries caused by an accident and okays claims payments.

Bodily injury liability

Usually mandated by state law, this insurance provision covers costs associated with injuries and death that you or another driver causes while driving your car.

How to find the right auto insurance

Once you have a clear picture of how you use your car and your priorities, you’re ready to shop for insurance. Generally, it’s a good idea to compare policies from at least three different insurers.

You’ll want to consider fundamental factors such as coverage and price, but it’s also worth evaluating prospective insurers as well. The following are the most important factors to consider.

8 questions to ask before buying auto insurance

The vehicle you own, your personal priorities and your budget all factor into your unique auto insurance needs. Before comparing policies and insurers, evaluate how you use your car and what risks you face to figure out what options make the best sense for you.

Auto insurance basics—understanding your coverage

The basic personal auto insurance mandated by most U.S. states provides some financial protection if you or another driver using your car causes an accident that damages someone else’s car or property, injures someone or both.

But to make the best decisions about purchasing other types of auto insurance coverage you might need, you’ll want to understand what’s covered, what’s not covered and what’s optional. In addition to understanding types of coverage, you’ll also want to consider coverage amounts.
