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Media Advisory: I.I.I. To Host ‘Annuities 101’ Webinar For Journalists


Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 11 a.m. ET

New York Press Office: (212) 346-5500;
Washington Press Office: (202) 833-1580

NEW YORK, Sept. 2, 2009—With Americans living longer, and fewer employers offering pension plans, annuities—a life insurance product that pays its owner income benefits for a specific period of time, or their lifetime—have become increasingly popular.

Due to their relative complexity, annuities remain a vague concept to many, even those who cover the insurance industry. 
To demystify this product and outline why it has become an essential part of many retirement plans, the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) is hosting an ‘Annuities 101’ webinar for journalists on Wednesday,
Sept. 9 at 11 a.m., ET
The webinar will last one hour and will include a PowerPoint presentation and question/answer session by I.I.I.’s Chief Economist and annuities expert Dr. Steven Weisbart.
Registration is limited on a first-come, first-serve basis. To participate in the webinar, please contact: I.I.I.’s Vice President of Communications Loretta Worters at 212-346-5545 or
The I.I.I. is a nonprofit, communications organization supported by the insurance industry.

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