SINGER ISLAND, Florida, February 24, 2014 – Leading lightning protection experts, engineers and safety directors will assemble at the Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa on Singer Island, Florida, this week, Wednesday, February 26 through Saturday, March 1, to discuss the latest developments in lightning protection technologies, practices and public awareness initiatives. The event is organized by Lightning Protection Institute (LPI), a nationwide not-for-profit organization founded in 1955 to promote lightning protection education, awareness and safety.
Topics will include:
- Lightning Protection Inspection Programs
- Building Lightning Safe Communities Campaign
- New Applications for Lightning Protection in NFPA 780 2014 Safety Standard
Reporters interested in attending the conference or interviewing lightning safety experts can contact Kim Loehr, LPI’s director of communications at or 804-314-8955.
The LPI provides individuals, the media and both public and private agencies with a variety of resources including:
The LPI is a nationwide not-for-profit organization founded in 1955 to promote lightning protection education, awareness and safety. LPI membership is comprised of manufacturers, contractors, scientists, architects, engineers and safety directors – all who are interested in promoting lightning safety and improving the science of lightning protection. LPI members are dedicated to ensuring that today’s lightning protection systems provide the best possible quality in both materials and installation practices.