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2009 Hurricane Season: Financing Catastrophe Risks Amid the Economic Crisis


This Webinar consists of two presentations, one by Robert Hartwig, an economist and president of the Insurance information Institute, and the other by Dan Ozizmir, managing director, head of Insurance Linked Securities, and William Dubinsky, director of P/C Structuring, at Swiss Re Capital Markets. Hartwig looked at the important issues and threats facing insurers in 2009 and beyond, including capital adequacy, investment market volatility, impacts of the prolonged recession on industry financial performance and potential changes in the regulatory environment. Hartwig also discussed the resilience of the property/casualty insurance sector in comparison to the banking industry. Ozizmir focused on the relationship between traditional insurance and reinsurance and the capital markets. He also explored the recent developments in the insurance-linked securities market. Dubinsky spoke about how insurers and reinsurers are using catastrophe bonds, sidecars and related solutions to manage their national catastrophe risk.

The following presentation is called "2009 Hurricane Season: Financing Catastrophe Risks Amid the Economic Crisis". It was presented by Dr. Robert P. Hartwig on June 4, 2009.


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