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Hurricane Risk in NY City & Long Island: Towards a More Realistic Appraisal of Extreme Weather Risk in the Northeast United States


The following presentation is called "Observations on OMB’s Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin: Reflections on Terrorism Risk and Homeland Security". It was presented by Dr. L. James Valverde, Jr. on May 5, 2006.

Please click on the file name below to view the presentation. Once open, you can choose "file" from your menu and then save the PowerPoint presentation to your disk. The presentation also is available in Adobe Acrobat format. The Adobe Acrobat file is smaller and faster to download. However, you do need the appropriate software to view. You can download Adobe Acrobat, free of charge, from their website ( ).


Please click on the file name below to view the presentations. Once open, you can choose "file" from your menu and then save the PowerPoint presentation to your disk. The presentation also is available in Adobe Acrobat format. The Adobe Acrobat file is smaller and faster to download. However, you do need the appropriate software to view.

You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader, free of charge, from the Adobe website (

Note: Printer fonts may vary by browser and version of Adobe Reader.

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